The Oxford VPN services enables you to access your department file storage from your own device (Windows or MacOS).
To do this please contact using the subject "VPN Drive Map" and we will send you the necessary details to complete the steps below.
Once you have installed the Cisco VPN software you can then use the informaton provided via your request (outlined in the step above) to connect to your Depatrtment Share by Mapping a Drive in Mac or Windows as detailed below:
To map a drive in Windows explorer:
- Right click my computer and select map network drive
- Pick a drive letter
- In the folder line type \\\<enter_user_specific_path_here>
- 'Reconnect at logon' will make the drive map persistent - but note that it will not be able to conect until you run the VPN.
- When prompted for username and password, tick 'Connect using other credentials'.
- In the user-name field type socsci\<Username> - use your Socsci username and password
To map the drive on a Mac
- 'command + K' should bring up the connect to server window
- Type smb://<folder/folder/etc>
- When prompted for your credentials use socsci\<Username> - your Socsci username and password