Software Available To You in Oxford

For a full list of Software available through the University for YOUR OWN DEVICE please see here:

Your IT at Oxford is provided by Central IT Services, your College and your Department. From a Manor Road Building perspective access to software is provided in a number of ways:

Stata in Manor Road is provided differently for students and academics. For students; departments provide access to Stata via a self-service portal provided by Timberlake. Your department Courses team will contact you at the start of term about how to access your licence and software. For academics; if you require Stata for your work your department can facilitate this for you. Contact your finance team in the first instance with your specification.

If you are an academic member of staff you may have an assigned office space and PC or Laptop. A standard set of software is installed and additions are requested via 

If you are an administrative member of staff you will have an assigned office space and PC or Laptop. A standard set of software is installed and additions are requested via

Standard desktop software for staff consists of:

Office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote etc)


Nuance PDF Pro (for reading and editing PDF documents)