
Available published Checklists & SOPs

Start with an overview and then use the following more detailed checklists to complete each activity.

🌀 Starters, Leavers & Extenders - High Level IT Checklist (it may be helpful to incorporate into your department procedures).

👩🏽‍💼 Department New User Checklist - use this to understand the procedure steps to get a new employee setup for IT in Oxford and the department. Use the checklist to ensure everything is ready before they arrive for the best possible welcome.


👩🏽‍💻 New Starter Checklist - use this on the day that someone starts to help them get logged on and up and running with IT and able to receive email, use Teams and access files. 


Device Purchasing Overview (use in conjunction with the Department New User Checklist and the Device Purchasing Flow Charts below) - an overview of the process steps for buying new equipment.


High Level Device Purchase Process, Device Purchase Decision Support & Network Connection Options Flow Charts - to help you buy and deploy a device smoothly to your staff.


💻 New Ways of Working Graphic - shows how you might support hybrid, mixed mode or home or Office working.